David Wallis
Impact and ESG Manager, Mirova Natural Capital (MNC)
David manages MNC’s approach to measuring, monitoring and reporting the positive environmental, biodiversity and social impact of MNC’s funds and investments, highlighting contribution towards international frameworks, including the Sustainable Development Goals.
Prior to joining MNC, David played a key role in the planning and design of international conservation programmes at the Zoological Society of London, including the development of theories of change and impact indicators, alongside technical bid writing. David also spent several years overseeing Whitley Fund for Nature’s international grants and awards programmes and managing its global network of grantees. David has built relationships with conservation leaders, NGOs and donor organisations around the world and has a strong understanding of what drives successful, high-impact conservation projects. He is also a member of the advisory council of the World Land Trust.
David is interested in exploring how businesses and financial institutions can build considerations around EDGE species and PD into ESG and impact policies and practices.