
Supporting global and national reporting towards Goals and Targets

We are committed to supporting nations to report on their progress towards CBD Targets and Goals using our two indicators, the Phylogenetic Diversity Indicator and the EDGE Index.

Read the paper outlining these indicators here

Phylogenetic Diversity indicator

The Phylogenetic Diversity indicator tracks extinction risk across the Tree of Life for various taxonomic groups, and is a Complementary Indicator for Goal A.

EDGE Index

The Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) Index tracks the conservation status of the most Evolutionarily Distinct species in a taxonomic group, and is a Component Indicator for Goal A.

“Numerous evolutionarily distinct species, many of which are the sole surviving species of entire lineages, are heading towards extinction despite continued recognition that they require dedicated conservation attention. We must therefore better integrate these species into conservation planning, policy, and action.”

Gumbs et al. 2024, Nature Communications